As Professor Paul Davies has discussed in his book The Eerie Silence (2010) SETI is assuming that out there may be many intelligent creatures, some perhaps much smarter than us with quantum brains!
Accordingly, exoplanets are probably habited by many species created in the image of God. This fact indicates on the basis of the Bible that they are sexual and have male and female forms
So God created mankind in his own image,unlike angels, who according to Jesus are asexual
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27
Jesus replied, “Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.We ask, do these inhabitants of exoplanets also need redemption by Jesus Christ?
Mark 12:24-25
Or is Christ only the Redeemer of this insignificant spot of dust in the vast Universe?
Or is Jesus Christ a Cosmic Redeemer, whose death on the hill of Golgotha two thousand years ago paid for the sins of the entire Cosmos and the good news of the events in Holy Land on planet Earth are proclaimed to the inhabitants of exoplanets in Andromeda and Magellan Clouds and everywhere in the deep space?
Freedom to sin
Holy Bible gives as an important point and allows us to see the creation from the point of view of the Creator Himself in the light of divine revelation
The word sin does not appear at all in the first creation story in the Bible. The entire creation is well done in the eyes of God. The Creator is satisfied with His own work!
And God saw that it was good.Also the second creation story about the Garden of Eden does not use the word sin. However, it sets Adam created by God under a rule, the first law, and tells that God has ruled a severe punishment for the breaking of that prohibition.
1 Ms 1:10
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”The Garden of Eden was full of wonderful good tasting fruits and there was only a single prohibition - "do not eat from this particular tree".
Genesis 2:15-17
This is a most radical text that does not only tell about the character of man - of course he must eat from that particular tree - and relation between man and woman - "she told me to eat" - and thus the pettiness of Adam created by God. No, the story tells us about God Himself.
God sets to the man He has created a deadly testing stone, a trap, into which the wise snake easily led Adam.
Strange Garden of Eden
Humanity living upon planet Earth is sinful because the will of God is that man has the freedom to break His holy will. Even most distant galaxies obey exactly the will of His Majesty. But man has the freedom to break it at will.
To point out the strangeness of the Garden of Eden let us consider this story.
A loving father builds for his little children a wonderful playroom. It is filled with things the children love and that are good for them, toy kitchen corner, toy fire station, dollies, cars, TV and iPad and little freezer full of ice cream and all kinds of sweets and fruits and favourite food of the kids.
In the midst of this wonderful room the father sets a small table in prominent place, covers it with white linen and sets a small beautiful glass of delicious looking drink on it. However, in that drink is deadly poison.
Dear father then tells his children: "I am leaving for a while, enjoy your games, eat and drink and have fun. However, do not drink from the glass on the table - if you do, you will die."
Father then leaves the room and stands behind the door watching through a glass window what the kids do.
Why, oh why?
With the story I try to describe the enormous and totally disgusting setting in the second creation story showing the responsibility of our Heavenly Father.
Why would a father do such a test with his beloved children and in criminal manner place a poison glass for their easy reach?
Why the Tree of Knowing Good and Bad in Paradise with the exciting prohibition?
In my opinion the only answer to this riddle is that God tests in this way whether or Adam obeys Him, is obedient to His will.
Is obedience to God's will this crucial, matter of life and death?
According to the letter to the Hebrews Jesus learned one thing from His awful suffering - obedience.
During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.
Hebrews 5:7-10 NIV
All beings created in the entire Universe in the image of God and even the angels in heaven have been given freedom to sin, to break God's will revealed to them in expressis verbis in a language they can understand.
Otherwise it would not be possible to love God from free heart.
What about God's images living in exoplanets?
This is the situation upon Earth according to divine revelation. The solution is the only son begotten by God who was born in Bethlehem according to the Scriptures.
Glória in excélsis DeoDivine revelation tells us nothing about the arrangements elsewhere in the Universe.
et in terra pax homínibus bonae voluntátis.
Luke 2:14
But still we ponder whether also other images of God living in distant planets have been given the dark history of fall and sin and salvation into eternal life through faith.
Yes, we wonder how it is!